I am Luckiest Teacher

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I guess I'm lucky teacher according to many thing. I was a teacher at two differen school for four years; at Islamic Elementary School Al-Hikmah Blitar and Islamic Senior High School Al-Ma'ruf Tanggamus. There I experienced teaching, playing, educating, solving students' stuff such as domestic problem, boy/girl relationship, and others.

Here, at Ar-Raihan Junior High School, I feel lucky. So lucky. I've dedicated friends. You can find them in the morning praying Dhuha and reciting Alqur'an. Prepare their stuff to teach subject in fun learning. They who do not have a session meet together to discuss or find/make teaching media.

Not only these activities, most of them have prepared their material, so when arrive at school they connect wifi to read news or any kind of information.

I am lucky teachers. Here I can connect to web and browse what I need to teach. Anytime. Sadly I tough the school with no connection and have to travel about 15KM to find rental. So, we can enrich our paradigm and horizon.

You see, this school has made effort to guide and teach. Completing media to less ill-equipment. Having seminar to sharpen teachers' ability.

I see there is a not pretty sound around. Not well manage. A little miscoordonation. And so on. Those are challenges. And I interest to fight. I will enjoy every single process I made.

My students are cute. Good interest. Well willing. Have good learning motivation. Respect to teachers and friends. And for them I will my spirit.
B. Lampung, 27 Nov 2011
Moga bermanfaat.